Sexy Australian Women Photo - Amanda Drury

Amanda Drury has to be one of the sexiest Australian women in financial news today. She talks stocks, bonds, and futures and all I can think of is how striking she is. She has that great Australian blonde hair and sleek figure that I like so much, but by now you know that what makes an Australian Woman (or any woman for that matter) truly beautiful in my eyes is the personality.
Mandy has such a friendly and approachable demeanor that she just invites you into whatever she is talking about at the moment. She can make the most drab and boring financial topics seem fun and bubbly.
Mandy, you are the first non-actresses / prime time stars to grace this blog for a reason. And, yes, she does deserve 2 photos.
I would like to see Mandy grow her hair out a little bit. That's the only suggestion I would make. It looks a little too much like a bob hair cut for me.
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